From Classroom to Manufacturing: A Journey with Anchor Magnets

From Classroom to Manufacturing: A Journey with Anchor Magnets

Embarking on a new career path is always daunting, but for one former primary school teacher, stepping into the world of manufacturing was especially intimidating. From our very first meeting with Cate, it was clear that she was an individual with a vision that we could help bring to life. With our manufacturing expertise and Cate’s understanding of how children learn in the classroom, we knew we had a winning combination.

Cate spent many hours with Nils, one of our business development managers, developing what has come to be known as TABLES STICK. Since we manufactured the first batch of magnetic Times Tables Sticks, Cate has sold over a thousand units to more than a hundred UK schools. This success is a testament to the incredible ongoing support from Nils and the team, who continually go above and beyond to assist Cate’s business in any way we can.

Tablesstick provides a strategy-based approach for the teaching of times tables.

Recently, Cate shared her vision for a second product. Following another highly productive meeting, Nils and the team are now in the process of manufacturing a prototype for the Mini Tables Stick Learning Kits. This new product is set to be available nationwide through Cate’s website and schools. You can visit Cate’s website here and watch her YouTube channel here.

We’ve loved working alongside Cate to see her vision become a reality. With Cate’s knowledge of how children interact and learn in the classroom and our dedication to quality, together we have produced a product we are both very proud of.

Thank you, Cate, and thank you, Nils!

From Cate – ‘I feel huge appreciation and gratitude to Nils and the whole team for their constant attention to detail to ensure consistent high quality in the production of my resource, as well as their ongoing support with not only the manufacturing of this product, but also with any aspects of my business they can help with. Thank you!’

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